By: Sarah Bossio, Certified Pediatric Sleep Expert

Have you ever woken up at the crack of dawn to the sound of your little one happily babbling away, while you long for just a few more moments of sleep? Many parents have been there, navigating those early mornings filled with joyful sounds that can feel a bit too early.
And let’s face it, the advice from older generations can sometimes leave us scratching our heads. “Just let them sleep; it’s fine!” they say, as if those cheerful morning wake-ups are no big deal!

Why Do Babies Wake Up Early?
There are several reasons your baby might wake up early. A common cause is that early morning can be a challenging time for babies to fall back asleep. If they don’t have independent sleep skills, they may struggle even more.
For instance, if your baby wakes up at 5:00 a.m. after a bedtime of 7:00 or 8:00 p.m., they may feel refreshed after 9-10 hours of sleep pressure, even if they haven’t had enough overnight sleep.
Parents often report frustrating situations, like bringing the baby into bed for an extra hour, only to have them want to play. Others might find it takes a long time to rock their child back to sleep, or they think their baby is hungry but won’t eat anything for breakfast. These signs indicate that your child might be ready to learn independent sleep skills.
Well, let’s chat about when it’s okay to wake that adorable snoozer and when to let them catch those precious Z’s.

Daytime Sleep and Feeding
First things first: let’s dive into when you might need to wake your baby during the day, especially for those all-important feedings.
Newborns (0-3 Months Old)
For our tiniest humans, if it’s been about 2-3 hours since their last meal, it’s time to gently rouse them. Keeping their tummies full during the day is crucial for those early weeks!
Young Babies (4-6 Months Old)
As babies grow, they need fewer calories, which means fewer night feeds too! This is the perfect time to think about reducing those overnight feedings. But remember: always consult your pediatrician before making any changes!

Daytime Sleep and Naps
Now, let’s talk about those afternoon naps. If your little one is snoozing a bit too long or too late, it’s time to tweak that nap schedule! You want to help them build up some serious sleep pressure for bedtime.
Aim to cap that last nap at around 30-45 minutes. This little adjustment can work wonders in helping your baby go to bed at a reasonable hour. Plus, it helps keep their sleep hormones balanced, which means better nights for everyone!

What’s a Good Wake-Up Time?
Realistically, your child should be waking up around 6 a.m. or later. For kids aged 0 to 7 years, 6 to 7 a.m. is perfectly normal. Sure, some children might sleep a bit later, but that’s more of an exception than a rule.
If your child is waking up before 5 a.m., that’s more like a middle-of-the-night waking than an early morning wake-up. If you're facing this issue, I have resources available to help!
Bedtime Matters!
Many grandparents might say to put your baby to bed later, thinking they’ll sleep in. However, this often backfires. For kids under 6 or 7 years old, the later they go to bed, the earlier they tend to wake up.
Children's bodies naturally want to sleep between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. When we go to bed during this window, it helps them cycle through sleep more effectively, leading to better sleep quality.
So, if your child is going to bed at 8 p.m., try moving bedtime to 7:30. If it’s 7:00, shift it to 6:30, especially if they aren’t napping well. An earlier bedtime gives them more deep sleep, which can help reduce those early morning wake-ups.
Get On a Set Schedule
If early morning wakings are a struggle, it’s time to set a daily schedule! Stick to a consistent wake time and keep that nap routine in check. By ensuring your baby gets quality sleep during the night, you’re setting everyone up for a smoother, sleepier day!

Need Help with Sleep Issues?
I get it—sleep struggles can feel overwhelming! If you’re still wondering when it’s best to wake your sleeping baby or if you just need a little extra support, drop a comment on my YouTube video. I’d love to chat and help you through your sleep journey!
And don’t forget to subscribe for more tips and tricks!

Join the Conversation!
I’d love to hear from you! What challenges are you facing with early morning wakings? Did you find this information helpful? Please leave your questions or comments below.
And don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel for more sleep tips! By subscribing, you’ll be the first to know when I share new content each week.
Thank you for reading, and I’m here to support you on your sleep journey!

Did you know? I also host a weekly Q&A on my Instagram. Tune in or send me a DM on the 'gram!

I work with families one-on-one all the time who are experiencing issues with their babies' naps, overnight sleep, and more. If this sounds like you, please book a 15-minute sleep assessment call just so I can understand a little bit more about your child's sleep and then explain ways that I can work one-on-one with you to get it in order.

May your coffee be warm,

Sarah is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Expert based in the NY/NJ Tri-State area and has helped over 500 families worldwide get their sleep back on track.
