Nothing seems to be as anxiety-inducing for parents as the term “sleep regression.” You don’t know when it will hit, how long it will last, or the best way to get your child sleeping again.
If your little one already has a rough time sleeping, the anxiety of “how much worse can it possibly get” is in the back of your mind around the 4 month and 8-10 month sleep regression mark. And if you prefer video instead of the written word, check out my YouTube video by clicking below:
8-10 Month Sleep PROgression, Not a 8-10 Month Sleep Regression

Let’s dive into all things “sleep regression” by talking first about why I prefer to view them as “progressions.” A change in your little one’s sleep, specifically around 4 and 8/10 months of
age, are a good sign that they are growing and developing right on time and that their sleep needs are growing and developing with them. Remember, your baby still has limited ability to communicate their quickly-evolving needs, so a change in sleep needs is likely to be communicated through just that….a sleep change!
Signs of the 8-10 Month Progression
Some signs to look out for if you see your baby’s sleep needs some changing around this age:
Refusing the catnap
Up to 8/10 months, babies should be taking 3 naps a day. When the progression hits, the last nap of the day will be very difficult to achieve. Either they will take forever to fall asleep, interrupting bedtime, or they will not sleep at all, resulting in a overtired mess by 6:00 p.m. Keep in mind that most babies do not drop their 3rd nap prior to 8 months old. Check out my nap refusal blog to learn more about reasons for nap refusals before 8 months.
Nap schedule is thrown off
You’ve finally found your groove and have your child on a perfectly predictable nap schedule…then 8/10 months hits. They are either taking a short first or second nap, or taking much longer to fall asleep on time for those naps.
Bedtime is a mess
If naps are thrown off, this will surely wreak havoc on your blissful bedtime routine. Whether it’s being pushed back too late (past 8:00 p.m.) or your baby can’t keep their eyes open past 6:00 p.m., it’s a recipe for disaster.
Night wakings start up again
The icing on top of a messy nap day and off-kilter bedtime is recurring night wakings! If your baby has been sleeping through the night, this may look like 1 or 2 wakings. If your baby has been fed at night time, this may look like additional night wakings that are not due to hunger.
What the Progression Means
So what do crap naps, cranky bedtimes, and a late night party animal all mean in the grand scheme of the 8/10 month sleep progression? It’s time to switch things up! As you know by now, your baby is growing and developing at lightning speed and it’s hard to keep up sometimes. Their sleep needs changing and evolving is a sign that they’re doing a great job of growing up…even if you want them to stay little forever! This sleep transition also means you’ll be on a pretty set schedule for the next 7-10 months, which should come as a relief to you!
How to Help Your Child through the Progression
What’s a mama to do when their previously-awesome-little-sleeper is now an overtired cranky pants?! Adjust the schedule to meet their needs! You may need to reestablish some sleep rules, but your baby is smart, resilient, and so adaptable that they’ll get into the new routine within a week or 2. Here’s some tips to help you along:
Rule out medical causes
Make sure you’re ruling out medical causes of sleep disturbances before making any of the following changes. This could be teething, a cold, or a developmental leap.
Change the schedule
One of the biggest changes that happens as a result of the 8/10 month sleep regression is the transition from 3 to 2 naps. When you drop the catnap, your schedule will look like this:
Wakeup: 6:30 a.m.
Nap 1: 9:00 a.m.
Nap 2: 1:00 p.m.
Bedtime: 5:30/6:30 p.m.
*Please note that bedtime shifts significantly earlier as your babe learns how to stretch out their awake time in between Nap 2 and bedtime.
Consider sleep training
If your little one has already had some form of sleep training, it’s important to go back to that method for a few nights in order to help them to adjust to their new routine.
Think of this as brushing up on a well-established skill! However, if you’ve always struggled with their sleep and the 8/10 month sleep regression has only made things worse, this is the perfect time to reach out for some help!
Check out my packages and pricing to see everything that’s included when you work one-on-one with a certified pediatric sleep consultant who can help you through every step of the regression.
My biggest takeaway from the first 12 months with my daughters was that the second I felt like I had it figured out, things changed. This used to drive me bonkers, but in moments of temporary insanity, I would try to appreciate all of the growing and developing their little bodies were doing. I was, and still am, so proud to be their mama!!!
Rest Well,